Genuine VOLVO control rods, ball joints and bushings

The various bushings in the front suspension make up one integral system. If one bushing is replaced, it is important for the new unit to have the same characteristics as the one it replaces, that is to say the same damping and spring characteristics and the same temperature characteristics.

Worn bushings and bushings with differing material characteristics can result in marked vibrations, noise and abnormal wear on various front suspension components.


Pos.Part NumberDescriptionQuantity
1 273160 Front wheel bearing kit
Lagersatz für Vorderrad
2 83125 Rubber bushing, stabilizer 8
3 87033 Rubber bushing, upper whisbone 180, 182, 183 4
4 663675 Rubber bushing, lower whisbone 4
5 276521 Rebushing kit, ch 3323–15.499  
5 671444 Rebushing kit ch 1966–  
6 54929 Rebushing kit  
7 658597 Steering rod, right 1
8 658596 Steering rod, left 1
9 658432 End, right thread 1
10 658431 End, left thread 1
11 660979 Tie rod 1
12 273004 Ball joint kit, upper, ch –16.499 2
12 273030 Ball joint kit, upper, ch 16.500–
Kugelgelenksatz, oben
13 273038 Ball joint kit, lower
Kugelgelenksatz, unten
Source Front end parts –1987, VOLVO 326 1174 1.97
Parts catalogue P180 (B18)
Parts cataloge 182 183 (B20)